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Rhody Grows Hope By CC4ES

A Container Garden for Food Justice (Food Security + Food Sovereignty)

Rhody Grows Hope is a container gardening program that repurposes what would otherwise be environmental waste. Outreach education compaion to Rhody Grows Hope on nutrition and stewardship for healthy and sustainabe living  connects growing our own food with our daily actions and  their impacts on every facet of our lives. This connection, perhaps, the only contact with nature to the most urban community members, elicits care and curiosity to instigate the cycle of healthy choices along the food path for sustainability. Cooking nutritious food with the harvest from one’s own garden is as gratifying as empowering.  Own selection of vegetables to grow means eating the food one can identify with culturally and traditionally and sharing. This narrative is the first and most important step toward food sovereignty and security.  


Growing food draws attention to environmental amenities such as air and water quality to beautifying communities with green infrastructures to create wildlife habitats amiable for growing food, and environmental stewardship with reducing food waste and composting for better environmental health. 


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